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About Me

Designer, Data Analyst & Business Strategist

As a product designer with business analytics experience i am equipped to support the creative and analytical sides of product development. Understanding of data analysis and visualization enables me to map processes, identify patterns and trends, and build machine learning models to generate insights to create business strategies. Additionally, with my core expertise in design functions allow me to integrate data insights within design processes across user research, prototyping, and user testing to create intuitive and engaging experiences that drive business results.

Overall, I am passionate about using my skills as a Product Designer and Business Analyst to help organizations create products that are not only beautiful and easy to use but also profitable and aligned with their strategic goals.

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4+ Years of design experience across the globe in various markets such as India, Europe, and US

User Experience Design (UI/UX)
User Experience Research (UXR)
Industrial Design (ID)
Branding & Graphic Design
Data Analytics & Visualization
Digital Marketing


MS in Business Analytics

University of Massachusetts | Lowell, MA

M.Des in Industrial Design

Strate Ecole De Design | Paris, France

Bachelors credit Transferred for Intergrated masters

ISD Rubika | Pune, India

What I can bring to your team?

Design Leadership

Experience of mentoring and training various level of professional and driving projects of varying complexities


Experience of working in different roles and undertaking various multifunctional responsibilities for executing a project

Business Aptitude

Experience of working in varying organization sizes and articulating design strategies that align to business requirements

Let's Chat

Hello! Please leave a message for me, if you wish to connect, collaborate or consult for any design services. Looking forward to hearing from you, thank you!

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